Friday, May 25, 2007

Sea World

Eli mapping out our route
cute picture till you see my peek a boo belly! Lucy is so low I can't hardly find a shirt that will cover my belly completly! Believe it or not, that is a maternity shirt. I wore the same stuff with Eli and didn't have this problem till like the last couple of weeks. Oh well, a prego belly is much easy to see than a post pregnant belly, right?
Eli has developed a love for his stuffed animals over the past month or so. He loves to have them with him on the couch to watch Sesame Street. He really likes to sleep with them and he also will pile them up and then sit or lay on them. Even though he really likes all the different stuffed animals he has he really has a thing for bears. He can spot them in a store from around the corner. So, anyway, we go to Sea World and I'm thinking after we go to the Shamu show we can go buy a stuffed whale. We have a variety of stuffed animals, but nothing like a whale. We go to the gift shop and look at different sizes of whales and Eli likes them, but nothing big, I mean he isn't squealing and hugging, just looking and then stashing waiting for another one to hold. So we think, maybe we can get a different animal, a dolphin or sea turtle. Again, no big deal to him, he gives it back with no hesitation when we ask for it. So we walk down the aisle a bit more and there is a bear with a hooded sweatshirt that says Sea World on it and he gets soooo excited! "Bear Bear!" He begins kicking his legs with excitement and reaching out to hug one. We hand him one bear and one whale and then say "Okay, say bye bye to the bear" and he says "bye bye", but not to the bear, he gladly hands us the whale. Now, on Eli's behalf I must say that he would have let us put the bear back, we hold and return bears to the shelf all the time in stores, but he hugged that bear like it was his long lost best friend. How could we buy the whale when he loved this bear so much more!!! He hugged it from the gift shop to the car and then fell asleep hugging it in the car. For the next 2 days out of all his animals that is the one he was holding when he woke up and when he went down for a nap or bedtime. He still played and loved on all the others, but gave this one a little more attention. We found it quite humorous that we went to Sea World and got a bear for a souvenir, but what can you do. At least it has on a Sea World shirt. It was a great day. Eli did enjoy the Shamu show, but I guess he just wasn't impressed enough to get a shamu doll.

1 comment:

Lozada's said...

First off, you are the cutest preggo lady ever! Second, you have the best flip-flops in NLR and I want them.... Third, Eli is precious and a great friend for Jonas :)