Friday, July 27, 2007

It's been a long time......

Emily is in town for a week. It has been 2yrs since she was in town last! So, a handful of girls got together at Sufficient Grounds last night to catch up. I know these girls from River Market Church we were a part of a few years ago. It was soooo good to sit and visit with them. I almost forgot how much I enjoy doing these type of outings!!! Why do I let so much time pass without doing this! I felt very refreshed when I left and it was just a simple outing, nothing extravagant. So, I want to make it a point to initiate more get togethers without my children. It was really good to see Emily. She has the best laugh!!! I miss it. Thanks Emily for making time to come see all of your LR/NLR friends, it has been wonderful. Good friends are such a blessing.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

That night was a ton of fun!!! We definately need to get together more often. I miss those times!!!

Thank you for not putting that one dreadful picture on your blogspot...I so appreciate it.