Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Season of Thanks

We started our Thanksgiving in NWA with my side of the family. We ended the weekend right outside of Jasper at a cabin with Nathan's side of the family. It was a nice place and we had good food. Unfortunately we had to cut our stay there short. Eli was having trouble getting sleep which made him very grumpy and since he knew how to climb out of his pack'n'play it was a struggle to get him to lay still long enough to fall asleep. I'll admit, the day we were there was quite stressful, but there were quite a few moments that were very nice. The place was beautiful and the food was o so yummy. Thank you James family for being so patient with us. Maybe we can try again sometime. Sadly I didn't get hardly any pictures at the cabin :( I did manage to get a picture of Monk, the cabin owner's wolfdog, or maybe he is all wolf............either way, he is HUGE and so friendly.


Megan said...

Sorry your cabin trip was cut short. I love the picture of Nathan holding Lucy. Is that how he gets her to sleep?

Amy James said...

Actually, Nathan holds her like that when she gets fussy and it calms her.