Sunday, May 4, 2008

cake is yummy in my tummy

Eli and I made a cake last night. He hleped me pour the ingredients in and then he got the best job, to lick the bowl. This was his first time to get to do this. As you can see, he LOVED it. I got busy pouring the mix into the pan and then turned around to find Eli's hair all spiked up. I assumed he had run his fingers through his hair, but then a few minutes later I looked over to find the bowl on his head. He wasn't willing to let any of it go to waste! :) He told me over and over "Cake it good, it is yummy in my tummy!" "I like cake, mommy" Lucy didn't know what to think of all the excitement. She watches Eli so intently. It will interesting to see how their relationship changes over the course of the next year.

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