Saturday, July 7, 2007

Preparing for Lucy

As you may or may not know, we are having Lucy this Thursday! soooo, I have been trying to get Lucy's room in some kind of order and finally made a little progress last week. I was able to get the closet cleaned out and boy was it long over due!! It was full of clothes that Eli grew out of many many months ago. It felt great! So, here are some pictures of her room. The dollhouse furniture was mine when I was growing up. I like it, but it definitely shows it's age. That being said, if anyone out there knows someone that might be able to re-paint it and update it a bit, I would love to talk to you. For now, it is great. I have also included a picture of the doll Lucy recieved as a gift. This is her first doll. Isn't it cute? I guess that's all for now. I hope to get a few things hung on the wall and a few other little details done this week, but I guess she won't mind if I don't :)

Eli has become very interested in Lucy's bed recently. My guess is because I have used it to store clothes and blankets and when guest come over we go look and oo and aww. He loves to get in there and hold up clothes and say "Oooh, pwretty" It's really cute. Well, yesterday I was cleaning up in her room and Eli climbed into her bed with no help! I turned around and there he was so proud of himself, jumping up and down. A part of me was proud that he figured it out and did it, however the other part of me put a baby gate up to keep him out of there. I started have visuals of him climbing in there when she is in there! O, what fun times are just around the corner :)


McDreamy said...

oh, oh, i didn't know it was so soon!! i'll be praying for you! keep us posted!

and her room is beautiful. it's such fun having a girl. they're both such fun in such different ways. i can't wait for you!

call or email anytime. i'm always here.

Shelley said...

I love her bedroom furniture as-is! It's so unique, there's no way I would "update" it!

Good luck with your new addition!

Anonymous said...


Watch out for that Eli! When I was about his age, my sister was born. One day my mom came in and I was trying to share my oreos with her! She said I was stuffing them in her mouth... but we were having the greatest time! Ha! Anyway, I hope to get in touch with you guys before Thursday... but if I don't, I'm praying for you all and can't wait to meet the new Ms. James!

Stephanie <>

Beth said...

Hey, Amy! I love the room! It's so cute! I love the color pink, so the wall-color is great. Good luck on the delivery! Can't wait to see pictures!

Beth Gray

The Walkers said...

Her room already looks wonderful! I was thinking about you today and I can't wait to see Lucy's gorgeous face!!! Hope all goes well and Sydney and I will be praying for you on Thursday. Please update the blog when you can, or I may have to resort to stalking your mom's house, and that isn't pretty...