Saturday, November 24, 2007

bustin out

Well, the day has finally arrived, the dreaded day that Eli learned how to climb out of his bed. AAAGGGHHHH! It started Thanksgiving night at my brother's house. I thought maybe it wouldn't happen again too soon........wrong! From that moment on he climbs out any chance he gets. He would have me put him in his pack'n'play just so he could play a minute and climb out when he chose to get out. So independent. So, I thought "Surely he won't be able to climb out of his crib" and what do ya know, he climbed out twice tonight, our first night home since this all started. I have been so naive in my thinking when it came to crib vs big bed. Even though I knew that I couldn't control when he got the nerve to do it I still would think about the subject as if it were all up to me and when I wanted it to happen and how, etc. It makes me a little bit sad, here is my little boy growing up so fast. Yes I know he is just shy of two, but these 2 years have happened so fast. He seems so big. (tear) So, anyway, back to tonight, Nathan and I were quick to say we didn't want to fight this fight sooooo we decided to put him in the twin bed in his room. He was very excited! He laid down and didn't move while we got him all set up in his new "big boy" bed. I wish I had a night vision camera in there to see what he does with his new found freedom. Here is a picture of Eli for the first time in his big boy bed. Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Erica said...

I have been pondering the big bed question, too. We've decided to wait.