Sunday, November 25, 2007


tonight, as i write this, Eli is asleep in his big boy bed. He has been asleep for a good hour or more. i felt the need to write a follow up to my earlier post. honestly i wouldn't be writing this except for the fact that bedtime went sooooo much better. i talked it up all evening. i also gave him the choice to either sleep in the big boy bed or crib. of course he chose the bed. after dinner and a bath we read books, we sang and then read another book. i laid with him for a bit and then said good night and got up to leave. remembering our little go around from nap time he smiled and told me to "go in there mommy" and then ran out. in other words, Mommy go in the other room so i can run out and you can put me back in my room. i did it once and asked if he would like the door to be closed. he said no and i told him it would be closed if he got out of bed again. what did he do? laugh and attempt to play the "game" again so i used our love and logic term (that's a whole other post) and said "Oh no, since you got up, mommy is going to shut the door" he cried for maybe 3min and then went silent. Such a sweet sweet sound. So I am heading for bed and went to see if he chose to sleep in the floor or in his bed and he was sound asleep in his bed :) I am so proud. AND, bonus for me, he has MDO tomorrow so I won't have to tackle naptime! I have a feeling naptime might be an issue for at least a few more days if not more. o well. we will take it one day at a time. all is good in the james home this evening. i must go and brush my teeth and go to bed. Good nite everyone................

1 comment:

Erica said...

That sounds successful!