Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Just in case you cared to know.....

So we have been talking up the big boy bed around here and showing if off to anyone that comes over. I'm happy to report we have had minimal resistance the last 2 nights and none (that's right, I said none) tonight. Praise Jesus! I was really worried about nap time and my mother in law made a suggestion last night that I tried today and it worked great. We were talking about the bed transition and how nap time was really my main trouble time. I made the comment about how he has laid down on a mat at Mother's Day Out from day one without a problem and took a nap. She suggested that maybe I could give him the choice to sleep on a mat in the floor or in his big boy bed. I gave him those choices and he stopped a thought about it for a minute and chose the mat and sleep there for 2 hours and 30 min. It looks like this hasn't been as long of a week as I had anticipated. Of course I know a few good nights doesn't mean we will never have another rough one, but I'm just happy to be able to report the good right now. Now if we can continue his good sleeping and combine that with Lucy sleeping all night we would be all good. She is soooo close. She wakes up between 2-3ish each night and I have been letting her "cry it out". She goes back to bed and has her first bottle around 5:30 or 6. A full nights sleep is soo very close. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Although that makes me a tad weepy cause that means she is getting bigger and before we know it she won't be a baby anymore...........Being a mom is by far the hardest thing I have ever done and I LOVE every minute of it, although I might not sound that way on certain days. God is continually showing me little pieces of Himself through this journey of being a mom. I think I could ramble on and on, but I feel like that is all it would be, so I will collect my thoughts a little better and let this post come to an end.

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