Friday, November 9, 2007

To infinity and beyond!

As a posted a day or so ago, we had our friend Cal over to play. When we went out back to slide I noticed that Eli kept standing on the top and raising his arms before he would sit and slide. I had no idea what he was doing. I did get some pictures though. So fast forward to yesterday. I had a job to do yesterday morning so Nathan took off work to stay with the kids. He and Eli went out back and Eli wanted to slide. While sliding he did the whole stand at the top deal and Nathan noticed him saying something. After listening closely he realized he was saying "To infinity and beyond!" all makes sense now. What an imagination he has! This stage in his life has been so entertaining. He is starting to pretend and really play with toys. I mean he has played with toys for a long time, but now he is really playing with toys. For instance, instead of just carrying a car around or throwing it, he will sit and make it drive around. And in the bath he has 3 rubber ducks and they just happen to be 3 different sizes. He will call the biggest one daddy duck, the med mommy duck and the smallest baby duck and then make them walk along the edge of the tub. I am eating this up. It is soooo fun. Now I feel I must say that he is also very much so almost 2 in that he is learning how to throw a good fit and test his limits and see how far he can push you before you will do something about it. All part of growing up I suppose. Okay, so back to the infinity slide thing, if you scroll down you will find a picture of him standing on the slide, that is his Buzz impersonation :)

1 comment:

Lozada's said...

This is really adorable! I love how our boys are growing... and then again I don't. I want to meet LUCY! We are busy this weekend, but maybe next week!