Monday, June 9, 2008

Grand Opening of NLR Farmer's Market (CAFM)

Last Sat was the official start of the NLR Farmer's Market. They have been open for a little bit, but that day was the big celebration and such. There was a ribbon cutting, a few words from our Mayor and Jodi Hardin, the man behind this and the new Argenta grocery. They had a great local bluegrass band and they served beefalo burgers. We ended up with local honey, blackberries and strawberries. It was fun to be a part of the "beginning". If you haven't already, you need to check out the new FM. They are open Tuesday and Sat from 7-12. It is on Main Street in downtown NLR. The farmers are all local and bring true homegrown goodies each week. Here is a link with more information for all those that are interested.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Looks so fun! So sorry we missed it.