Monday, June 23, 2008

painting food

Last Friday we got way off our sleeping schedule and boy did it make a difference in our sweet little Eli. He was sooo whiney. After church yesterday he was starting another little fit. In my moment of frustration I remebered that I had bought food coloring gel like 4 months ago to paint toast or crackers as a fun project. He quickly snapped out of it and enjoyed painting his toast for a good 30 minutes or so. When I was getting a paint brush he spotted the googly eyes, so we added those, too. Of course we didn't eat them, but they were fun for a bit. Thank goodness for food coloring!!! I can't believe it took me this long to do this. He had a blast. I think we got back on track with sleeping last night..........or at least I hope so :)

1 comment:

Debbie Nelson said...


How precious...he is growing up so quickly. What a creative Mom you are.